Tuesday, May 07, 2024

(NO)Dead Ends

It was one of those days.
The hard kind when my deep pleading prayers don't feel like
they are getting any answers, and personal revelation is silent.
There are deadlines relentlessly pounding at the door, and peace 
seems entirely out of reach.
I question all the decisions and the pathways that got me to where I am
today, wondering if they were the right ones
and if they will help me and my family move forward and progress.
Did we turn the wrong way?
Are we at a dead end?
Somedays, I question.
I don't question the Lord and His power and miracles.
I've seen too many of those in my life to wonder.
I know He's capable of anything and everything.
But I wonder if I've used up too many of the miracles,
and he's tired of me asking and pleading.

Claire shared with me a story from Elder Holland:
"He expects us to pray and trust and be believing,
and not give up, and not panic, and not retreat, and not jump ship,
when something doesn't seem to be going just right.
We stay in, we keep working, we keep believing, keep trusting,
following that same path, and we will live to fall in His arms
and feel His embrace and hear Him say, 
"I told you that it'd be okay.
I told you it would be alright."
Those words touched me, 
tomorrow is another day, and I'll wake up like I do every morning,
but I can have peace knowing that He'll NEVER abandon me.
Or my family.
He will never give up on us.
I need to be still and wait.
When we make decisions, God expects us to pray and 
then trust Him—not give up, panic, or “jump ship.”

With God, there are no dead ends.

This evening, Christian and I drove around town with the
windows down in silence.
It was good silence.
Thinking silence.
We drove to a spot we like to visit because we have a dream
at this spot, and we like to talk about it as if it were happening.
And at the end of the day, I pulled out a delicious
can of COCONUT DR. PEPPER (it's amazing),
and saw a message on my phone that Jane had sent me
 that we are officially halfway to Halloween.
The Lord knows I love both of those things and maybe that's my
sign that He loves me and that He knows our situation.
Maybe He's telling me it's ok.

Yes, it's going to be ok.

Monday, May 06, 2024

There's A Snake In The Hytte

It happened after lunch...
I went to the Hytte to gather our ladies' eggs.
However, when I put my head inside the hutch this time, I didn't see eggs.
Instead, I saw something black.
And for some reason (habit), I put my hand inside to gather the eggs
As soon as I realized that what I was feeling was not eggs, 
my hand was already inside, feeling around.
Did you hear me?  
I screamed, slammed the Hytte hatch shut, and fell to my knees,
gathering strength to run away.
I mean, I was dead.
I'm sorry if I sound dramatic, but the thought of my hand inside
 TOUCHING the snake was 
playing and replaying in my head over and over and over again.
It was like a bad dream.
Christian came outside with his welding gloves
and gun and took care of the snake, who,

RIP: me

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Cinco de Mayo Sunday

Every year on Cinco de Mayo, I make my signature Mexican Chocolate Cake, 
and we usually eat out for Mexican food.
  This year, Cinco de Mayo happened to fall on a Sunday, so 
we stayed home to eat, and unfortunately
 I forgot to check my pantry on Saturday to ensure that
 I had all the necessary ingredients for making the cake and the dinner.
And sadly, when it was time to make the cake, 
I couldn't make the delicious frosting for the top.
The reality is that I was the only one who cared since
 I'm the only frosting fan in the family.
But EVERYONE cared that we only had six tortillas for burritos.

Plus, to make it even more disappointing, 
 it was Fast Sunday, which meant that we were all
super hungry!
On a spiritual side note:
Our family fasted together with one purpose for a
very significant and sensitive thing.
We believe in miracles and God's power.
We have faith in His timing and will.
And sometimes IT IS SO HARD to be still and wait.
After dinner, we took a walk in the fields, checked on the cows,
and watched as the sun lowered and the humidity took over the fields.
Jane and Christian walked through the fields with Angus
who jumped around the tall grass like a little puppy.
The rest of us (who were not wearing boots) did not.
It's tick season.  
That would be a death wish.

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Chicken Festival

Each year, our town of Siler City holds a "Chicken Festival." 
hosted by Mountaire Farms.
Mountaire Farms has a huge chicken plant downtown Siler, and this festival brings
out just about everyone for a fun Southern small-town gathering.
Christian jumped on this opportunity and got a booth to represent
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and
along with the full-time missionaries serving in the area, 
we distributed otter pops and copies of The Book of Mormon.
We provided information about who we are and 
where we meet for our Sunday services.
I helped Christian come up with and create ideas for 
 giant posters for the missionaries to hold 
to introduce our faith...kind of a 'Meet the Mormons' type feel.
On one poster, we added scriptures and asked people to decide if it came from 
The Book of Mormon or the Bible.
We also compiled a list of the top 20 questions that people search 
on Google about Mormons like, are Mormons Christian (YES), 
and do Mormon men have more than one wife (NO!).
It was a great way to mostly dispel some weird stuff people
think about members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The missionaries were so fearless and adorable, 
and I got a huge lump in my throat the whole time thinking about
my missionary, my Elder Nielson.
 Man, I miss that boy!
He'd be fearless, too.
The best part of the festival was when our missionaries got to perform 
with up-and-coming Jordan Pickett, a home-grown country star.
Jordan wrote a beautiful song called Faith, Hope, & Love.
It was a perfect song to sing with our faithful, God-loving missionaries!
Last month, Christian messaged Jordan on every social media platform he had 
to see if he would be willing to sing a song with the missionaries. 

He was so cool and said yes.
They practiced at our church and really nailed the performance!

You can watch the performance HERE.

Friday, May 03, 2024


 Friday! Yay!  Welcome!  
Today was Claire's day off, so we decided to hit a Barre class together
then we quickly rushed back home because our friend Morgan Jones Pearson,
who is the host of the popular podcast All In, interviewed us for
a special Mother's Day episode.
I love this podcast because Morgan interviews people who share their feelings on
what it means to be ALL IN the gospel of Jesus Christ.
(Morgan recently interviewed coach Andy Reid, and it was fire.)

Morgan asked us about the accident, especially Claire's perspective, and
she was eloquent and clear with her words and descriptions
of what she remembers and has gained from her experiences.
I was so touched.

We also talked about our relationship as mother/daughter.
But, she's more my bestie.
Later, after school, (and a nap), Claire took Jane and Lod to the mall.
(For posterity's sake, Jane HATES HATES shopping).
But they did what sisters do together and had fun,
I mean, they came home happy (and with treats).

You can listen to our podcast HERE.

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Haircuts All Around

After school, Lottie and I took to the swing to relax before the dinner shift
where, once again, she begged me to let her cut her hair.
I've been saying no because she has such beautiful, thick red hair
and I feel like it should be long.
She adamantly disagrees.

I was that grade-schooler with the short hair.
For some reason, I kept cutting my hair super short because
I thought cutting my hair would make me look like Demi Moore in Ghost.
I ended up looking more like Dorothy Hamill in 1980 something.
I was a scrawny 11-year-old who was often mistaken for a boy, and
I often regret that period of my life.
It wasn't until puberty hit IN HIGH SCHOOL, did I feel
confident with short hair.
But the truth is, Lottie has lots of confidence and is very comfortable
in the way she looks and acts.
It's refreshing and inspiring.

And hair grows.

So I set up an appointment for next week.
Also, I scheduled a haircut for Gigs, too!!!!!!!!
We've been looking for options:

He's not super jazzed about a haircut, but it's SOO time.

Angus, you're next!

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

A & B

 Wednesdays are my favorite days because:
A. I get to watch Lottie at horse lessons. 
She is adorable, and I can see her confidence shining out 
as she learns to control her horse.  
I see it in her body language. It's really cool.
I'm so proud of her. 
 Today, her instructor, Megan, asked her if she'd like to try her lesson
using a Western saddle.
I think Christian was more excited about her as a Western cowgirl,
 but she said she preferred her English style.
(I do, too, Lod!)
B. Jane is at home making dinner while we're at horse lessons.
As I mentioned before, she's cooking through her Pinterest board.
She has years' worth of food and recipes she's pinned, and she's finally
cooking now that she has a little more time in her life.
Tonight, we had a really yummy salad and veggie skillet pancakes
with some kind of delicious orange sauce.
(I need to get official names from her to do it justice).
And that's why Wednesdays are the best.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Why Did The Turtle Cross The Road?

 This morning, as Jane and I pulled up from Barre, 
Jane opened the door to get out, and Muppet, 
our hen jumped right into her lap.  
We had a good laugh. 
Later, on my way home after picking up Lottie from school, 
I was probably driving at 60 mph
 when I almost hit a slow-moving turtle that was crossing the road. 
It's turtle season, which means we see a lot of turtles wandering around 
looking for food or places to lay eggs. 
Unfortunately, we also come across a lot of turtles that have been hit by cars. 
I stopped my car, backed up, opened the door, and rescued the turtle. 
Lottie was thrilled and named him Marcus. 

I told Lottie that she could play with Marcus until sunset, 
and then she would have to let him go. 
She spent the whole afternoon feeding him and building him a house 
using sticks and flowers. 
At dinner, she took him near the pond behind the
 house and set him free. Marcus wandered off into the wild. 
As I kissed Lottie goodnight, she told me that she had 
written her name on Marcus' shell using a Sharpie 
so that she would know him if he ever came back to visit.

I really hope he does.

Monday, April 29, 2024

The Best House In The World

 We didn't have school today because of a teacher work day.
So, Gigs flew his drone around the house, including in Claire's room 
to bug her while she had a little nap before her 12-hour shift at the hospital.
She was thrilled.

Later, Lottie and I sat on the couch and laughed at stuff,
watched a few Mr. Beast videos on my phone, and then we finally got
 ourselves up and drove to the store, where she 
talked me into buying her ANOTHER Squishmallow stuffed animal thing.
She's still so obsessed with those things.

On the way home, she said to me,
"Mom, I love you so much.  I have the best life!
I have a Mom and Dad who love me so much,
we live in this cool place,
we have money to buy groceries, and I'm happy."
I thought my heart would burst.
We've been super conservative with our activities lately
while we pray that BovIQ/work sees better days.

So our days off of school usually look like hanging around the house,
working in the yard, watching movies upstairs, family walks around the farm,
epic wiffle ball games, car drives, and motorcycle rides around Stillestead.
As I went to bed tonight, there were 12 dollar bills
laying on my pillow with a sticky note and a drawing 
of her newest Squishmallow with a bubble chat 
coming out above her head saying:
"This is money for buying me and bringing
 me home to the best house in the world."

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sundee Best

While Claire was in Ghana, she had skirts and ties made for us. 
Today, we all wore them to church and matched fantastically!
Then we had an epic family whiffle ball match on the front lawn
and I laughed so hard.
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

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