I had a terrible night last night. I had a humdinger of a fever,
was nauseated and sleep-deprived.
I woke Christian up at 2:30 in the morning to tell him I felt like I was dying.
I just felt better waking him up to tell him, cry a little,
and then I was able to go back to sleep.
He's been there for me a million times.
I love him.
This morning was Oliver's "homecoming" talk in church.
He reported on his two years in Brazil, the lessons he learned,
the miracles he saw, and the hearts that were changed because of
the message he shared and taught of Jesus Christ.
It was SO BEAUTIFUL, and I was beaming with pride.
At home in bed.
I was able to watch it because they filmed it for me
(and for family out of town).
Gigs also got in the action and spoke.
He read his Mission assignment letter from The First Presidency!
It was epic!
I couldn't have been more proud of my boys.
I was so sad to miss this beautiful day!
I didn't even get any normal photos of my boys except one
of Gigs headed out on his way to church without me, and one
of Ollie at the side of my bed.
I cried, lying in my bed.
It felt all too familiar;
sick me missing out on SO MANY wonderful occasions,
birthdays, weddings, school performances, etc...
because of sickness.
Then, after church, my health declined.
I got sicker.
Christian called our favorite ER doctor, Dr. Mangum, who was just getting
off his shift in the ER and stopped by.
He told me to get to the ER.
He made some calls, and then I found myself admitted to the hospital
while my good doctors tried to figure out why my leg was swollen
and discolored. Was it a blood clot?
My nurse attempted THREE TIMES to give me an IV
but she doesn't know that I DON'T HAVE VEINS.
I mean, I do, but they are very hidden.
My arms are basically scar tissue and grafts.
They even used a special ultrasound detector and
after I screamed like Mel Gibson when he gets tortured in the end
of Braveheart, the third time was the charm.
It was a pediatric IV, but it worked.
I got all the medicine and antibiotics I needed in that little tube.
Around midnight, Christian gave me a kiss and left for home.
Oh boy, we've been here before.