Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green Day

("Beware of Leprechaun's cooking," 
a note Claire wrote 2 years ago, BC)

I went to the doctor today.
Dr. L. said my monkey tail has to be put back in because 
Hunchie is growing again with accumulated fluid.
That is not a good thing.
My monkey tail is supposed to drain any fluid in my
 back so Hunchie doesn't get infected.
Good grief.
I will be back in the OR tomorrow.
But let's not talk about that; let's talk about the 
green holiday today, Patrick's Day.

*Little known facts about St. Paddy's Day and me:

*My Mom said that if I were born a boy, she would
have named me Patrick.

*I never wore green to school on St. Patrick's Day 
because my eyes were green!
In fourth grade, I didn't wear green to school, and instead I 
wore all red, and my cousin, Katie, was really upset with me
 told me that I couldn't do that anymore. 
Since she was my bossy bestie, 
I listened to her for at least three more years
before, I said, "Girl, I can do whatever I want!".

*But the following year, I wore red again, this time hiding 
green undies to trick everyone, 
and Katie got really mad at me again and said I couldn't hide my green
and that it was against the rules.
In elementary school, you have really stupid rules like that.

This year, my girls fought over every last bit of 
green clothing in their closets to wear (and share).
Sweet Cakes, which is the bakery nearby
 and who makes my favorite treats in Arizona, 
added green frosting to my favorite Oreos to make them look festive. 
I absolutely adore people who know how to celebrate and make things special!
 I gave Dr. L. a whole box of them to tell him I love him.

I love my little Leprechaun, Nicholas,
and, of course, I gave him a green Oreo, too!

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